two hundred-fourteen and three thousand one hundred twenty-five thousandths square meters.
Sixty-six and five tenths square meters.
Ninety and ninety-three hundredths meters.
Twenty-three and thirty-two hundredths.
Five hundred forty-four and seventy-eight hundredths square meters.
M with a little 2 at the top right
Fifty-five square meters
Sixty-six and five tenths square meters.
Ninety and ninety-three hundredths meters.
Twenty-three and thirty-two hundredths.
Five hundred forty-four and seventy-eight hundredths square meters.
fourteen and three thousand one hundred twenty-five ten thousandths square meters
one hundred meters...
Write the number of square meters, then just put a small 2 on the upper-right hand corner of the number.
30 000 m2 Thirty thousand square meters
M with a little 2 at the top right
The perimeter of a square is 400 meters. write an equation for the perimeter and solve for the length of one side