Twenty one.
Piinksparkles is 21 years old
Twenty-one percent.
As I write this, today is December 21, 2009. The date 3000 years from today will be December 21, 5009.
8/21 = eight over twenty one
21 + 22 = 43 = XLIII
21 years old
Dolla was 21 years old. [Rest in peace]
A 21 year old cat is about 101 years old in human years.
He was 21 years when he got drafted into the NBA
If you are 21 years old, you were born in 1990. (2011)
Colton is 25 years old, Anthony is 21 years old, Thomas is 21 years old, Eric is 22 years old, Joey is 24 years old
21 years old
If you're asking about the L'Cie team, Lightning: 21 years old. Snow: 21 years old. Sazh: 40 years old. Vanille: 19 years old(physically) and 519 years old chronologically. Fang: 21 years old(physically) and 521 years old chronologically. Snow: 14 years old.
well...21 months. Maybe you mean how many years? 21 months can also be stated as 1.75 years, 1 and 3/4 years, or 1 year and 9 months.
Twenty one.