0.924 as a fraction 231/250 in its simplest terms 0.924 as a percentage is 92.4%
No. Simplest forms are equivalent but equivalent forms need not be simplest.
It should usually tell you but even if it doesn't just assume that you have to. (unless it says otherwise in the question.
The simplest way to write 14 as a fraction is:14---1
you can write pers or %
It is 1/10.
8/14 = 4/7
2/3 = 66.67%
Assuming you meant 12/20... it's simplest form would be 3/5
1/23 = 0.0435
0.924 as a fraction 231/250 in its simplest terms 0.924 as a percentage is 92.4%
tell whether each fraction is in simplest form. if not, write it in simplest form, tell whether each fraction is in simplest form. if not, write it in simplest form,
No. Simplest forms are equivalent but equivalent forms need not be simplest.
0.924 as a fraction in its simplest form is 231/250 0.924 as a percentage is 92.4%
Because most people find the simplest forms easier to understand. Also, if required to manipulate the fractions, it reduces the magnitudes of the numbers involved in the calculations.
It should usually tell you but even if it doesn't just assume that you have to. (unless it says otherwise in the question.
Write as a fraction in simplest form