This is a very common riddle. It was asked on the 24th September. Therefore a valid answer would be "today." This would only remain a valid answer for the rest of the day.
To write 24 January 2014 in 5 letters without using numbers kindly write 24.1.14.
If you mean in 5 letters then it is: TODAY
You cannot write it in 5 letters, you can write it in 4. Using roman numerals it would be: IX/V/MMXI, this required 4 letters.
How about: TODAY
To write 24 January 2014 in 5 letters without using numbers kindly write 24.1.14.
i can write 24 May 2011 in five letters answer is TODAY
How about "OLDEN".
Could it be today perhaps
This question was asked on 23rd September 2011, and so at the time of asking a valid answer would be "today."
If you mean in 5 letters then it is: TODAY
You cannot write it in 5 letters, you can write it in 4. Using roman numerals it would be: IX/V/MMXI, this required 4 letters.