.254 can be easily written in words. This can be written as decimal two five four.
This is called a decimal fraction, and it can also be written as a mixed fraction: 254/100 or, in lowest terms, 251/25.
216 over 254 = 108/127 = 0.8504 (approx)
To write 2.54 x 10^2 in standard form, you would move the decimal point two places to the right because the exponent is positive. This gives you 254.0. So, 2.54 x 10^2 is equal to 254.
108 is a decimal, but hex 108 is decimal 254, and there's no such thing as 108 in octal or binary. Hope that's what you were asking
254% as a decimal is 2.54.the trick is to just do 254 / 100 or 254 divided by 100. like 1/4 is o.25 because 1 divided by 4 equals 0.25 :)
.254 can be easily written in words. This can be written as decimal two five four.
This is called a decimal fraction, and it can also be written as a mixed fraction: 254/100 or, in lowest terms, 251/25.
254 of them.
A quicker way of writing 254 + 254 + 254 is 3 x 254, or three multiplied by 254. The answer is 762.
You would write is as 254,000,000
The 254-423 exchange is in Killeen, Texas. The 254-433 exchange is in Eastland. They're over 100 miles apart. They are not local calls to one another.
216 over 254 = 108/127 = 0.8504 (approx)
There are 2.54 centimetres in one inch. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 100 centimetres is equal to 100 / 2.54 = 39.37 inches.
The GCF is 2.
108 is a decimal, but hex 108 is decimal 254, and there's no such thing as 108 in octal or binary. Hope that's what you were asking