Twenty-seven dollars and sixty-one cents. If you are writing this amount on a check, it would be written as: twenty-seven and 61/100 dollars.
In word form you would write: two million, seven hundred thousand dollars
Six hundred thousand dollars.
That's the word version: five thousand dollars. The numerical form is $5000 (or $5000.00).
Were you writing this on a check to convey this number in word form you would write two hundred and fifty million dollars. Otherwise you could shorten it to 250 million or $250M.
To write two thousand and four dollars in numerical form, you would write it as $2,004. In words, it would be written as "Two thousand four dollars." Make sure to include the dollar sign ($) and the word "dollars" to indicate the currency being referenced.
$35 in word form is thirty-five dollars
In word form you would write: two million, seven hundred thousand dollars
In proper word form, you'd write forty dollars and seventy-nine cents. In number form, you'd write $40.79.
Six hundred thousand dollars.
1.4 billion dollar in word form can be written $1.4 billion or $1,400,000,000.00
Two hundred fifty million dollars.
Three hundred forty-six thousand, three hundred five dollars
Nine dollars and sixty-one cents. For check writing, it is written as: Nine and 61/100 dollars
Forty and three tenths or forty dollars and thirty cents.
That's the word version: five thousand dollars. The numerical form is $5000 (or $5000.00).
The word form is Forty-five and 00/100 dollarsThe decimal form is $45.00
Four dollars and twenty-nine cents. For a check it is written as: Four and 29/100 dollars