8 over 27
XXVII is the number 27 in roman numerical. XX is 20 and adding XVII is 7.
It is: 27 is 1/3 of 81
27% = 27/100 = 0.27you write it as 0.27100% = 1.00you can work it out by dividing 27 by 100, which equals 0.27or just put '0.' in front of the percentage, but this only works if it is 99% or less.
You write it out with less digits but will be able to get the same answer. Example: 9(x+3)=9x+27
8 over 27
To evaluate a variable expression, replace all the variables with numbers and simplify the resulting numerical expression. 3m for m = 9 3(9)=27
XXVII is the number 27 in roman numerical. XX is 20 and adding XVII is 7.
It could be: 9+2*(27+3)-60 = 9
(60 - 2*27) + 9/3 = 9
It is: 27 is 1/3 of 81
27% = 27/100 = 0.27you write it as 0.27100% = 1.00you can work it out by dividing 27 by 100, which equals 0.27or just put '0.' in front of the percentage, but this only works if it is 99% or less.
(n - 27)
376 is 349 more than 27.
Well, honey, 27 million is written as 27,000,000 in numbers. It's not rocket science, just move those zeros around like you're playing a game of Sudoku. So, there you have it, 27 million in all its numerical glory.
27 = 11011