Three hundred seventy-two million, five hundred twelve thousand, eight hundred five.
Three hundred seventy two million, five hundred twelve thousand, eight hundred five.
Write the "$" Then write the "1" Then write another "1" Then write a "6" Then write a "0" You have written $1160.
You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.
You should write it as 5'6"You should write it as 5'6"You should write it as 5'6"You should write it as 5'6"
You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.You could write it exactly as in the question.
three hundred seventy two million,five hundred one ten two thousand,eight hundred one
Writing a number in standard form simply means to express the number in its 'normal' form. Therefore, your example is written in standard form as: 372,512,805
Three hundred seventy two million, five hundred twelve thousand, eight hundred five.
Three hundred seventy-two million, five hundred twelve thousand, eight hundred five
The word form of 372,512,805 is: three hundred seventy-two million five hundred twelve thousand eight hundred five.
The numeral 372,512,805 is spelled "three hundred seventy-two million, five hundred twelve thousand, eight hundred and five." This numeral would very seldom be written in text form.
Write the "$" Then write the "1" Then write another "1" Then write a "6" Then write a "0" You have written $1160.
Read read read read. And then write write write write.
we to write in pencil
You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.
The future tense of "write" is "will write." For example, "I will write a letter tomorrow."
You should write it as 5'6"You should write it as 5'6"You should write it as 5'6"You should write it as 5'6"