It is 405.308
It is 9.7*10-3.
7.003 meters.
Eight thousandths (0.008) in standard form is 8.0 × 10-3
To write three and eight thousandths in decimal form, you simply combine the whole number part (3) with the decimal part (0.008). So, three and eight thousandths in decimal form is 3.008.
3 and 852 thousandths as a decimal = 3.852
2 and 3/1000 = 2.003
In fraction form: 2 3/1000 In decimal form: 2.003
It is 405.308
It is 9.7*10-3.
As a fraction 17/10,000 or as a decimal 0.0017 or in standard form 1.7*10-3
Seven hundred five thousandths in decimal form is 0.705. First, because you know it's in thousandths you know there will be three decimal places (1 for tenths, 2 for hundredths, and 3 for thousandths). So then you simply write out seven hundred five as 705 and add the decimal point in front of it.
Seven and seven hundred twelve thousandths would be written as 7.712The "and" tells you where the decimal goes, "thousandths" tells you how many places there will be in the decimal part of your answer (3 decimal places for thousandths), and seven hundred twelve tells you how many thousandths there will be.