3.416666 repeating hours
It is: 2.333 hours recurring decimal 3
3.25 hours
3 hours 30 minutes = 3.5 hours
3.416666 repeating hours
Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 3.3 recurring (that is, 3.333..) hours.
It is: 2.333 hours recurring decimal 3
3.25 hours
8 hours and 20 minutes = 8 + 20/60 hours = 81/3 hours = 8.33... recurring hours.
3 hours 30 minutes = 3.5 hours
3/4 is 0.75 in decimal form
3 is already written in decimal form. You could write 3.0 but that wouldn't be necessary.
1.33334/3:= 4 ÷ 3= 1.3333 in decimal