USD3,000,000 if it is US dollars, or the appropriate international currency prefix if it is dollars from some other countries. You should not use the dollar symbol since if the country is not known, it is ambiguous and also, some browsers do not support the browser symbol.
In addition to the appropriate international currency prefix (ISO 4217), the digit
group separator may be different that used by the United States. The United States uses a comma (,) separating the Arabic digits in groups of three. Some nations use the period or full stop (.) or even another symbol as the digit group separator, and some use groupings of two or four. The ISO organization formulated the ISO 31-standard which directs using a space instead as the digit group separator and grouping the Arabic digits by three.
The final answer to the question is it depends on the audience. Different standards and manuals of style exist with different rules and guidelines. Use the most appropriate one for your audience.
When writing out "2-3 millions dollars," the numbers should be spelled out and the dash should be "to. " An example of such a sentence is "The new budget shows that the company will benefit by about two to three million dollars. "
3 million = 3 million
Oh, dude, you're asking me to do math now? Fine, fine. So, 3 percent of 300 million dollars is, like, 9 million dollars. But hey, who's counting, right? Just a casual 9 million bucks hanging out there.
3.5 million dollars is written as 3,500,000 That is 3 million 500 thousand dollars
the million is the proper way to write it if you use it in a sentence
3 800 000 dollars
When writing out "2-3 millions dollars," the numbers should be spelled out and the dash should be "to. " An example of such a sentence is "The new budget shows that the company will benefit by about two to three million dollars. "
3% of 1 million dollars is $30,000
120 thousand dollars.
$1 million