41/1000 as a decimal is 0.041
41 is a perfectly good decimal representation for the number.
It is 4100.
Expressed as a decimal, 41/100 is equal to 0.41.
To write 41 and a half inches, you would write it as 41.5 inches. This is the standard decimal notation for expressing a measurement that includes a fractional value. It is important to include the decimal point to distinguish the whole number part (41) from the fractional part (0.5).
41/1000 as a decimal is 0.041
41 is a perfectly good decimal representation for the number.
It is 4100.
Expressed as a decimal, 41/100 is equal to 0.41.
To write 41.50 in words, you would write "forty-one and fifty hundredths." This breaks down the number into its whole number and decimal parts, with "forty-one" representing the whole number 41 and "fifty hundredths" representing the decimal 0.50.
8 2/10 = 41/5
To write 41 and a half inches, you would write it as 41.5 inches. This is the standard decimal notation for expressing a measurement that includes a fractional value. It is important to include the decimal point to distinguish the whole number part (41) from the fractional part (0.5).
4 and 1/5
its o.ooo41 or 4.10
41/1000 0.041