It is: 4.2 x 10^2
420 million can be written as 420,000,000 in digits.
A large number that would normally be expressed in scientific notation.
1,420 is expressed as 1420.0. Move 3 decimal places to the left, so the exponent for base 10 is 3. Therefore, in scientific notation, the given value is: 1.42 x 103
It appears that you mean 1,500,420. You would write it as one million five hundred thousand four hundred twenty.
It is: 4.2 x 10^2
420 million can be written as 420,000,000 in digits.
It is: 4.2*10^2 when in scientific notation
times by the little number like .420 is 80
A large number that would normally be expressed in scientific notation.
1,420 is expressed as 1420.0. Move 3 decimal places to the left, so the exponent for base 10 is 3. Therefore, in scientific notation, the given value is: 1.42 x 103
The scientific name of the domestic shark is Selachimorpha. Sharks have been around for about 420 million years and have a cartilaginous skeleton.
It appears that you mean 1,500,420. You would write it as one million five hundred thousand four hundred twenty.
To convert a number to scientific notation, you first need to divide that number by a power of 10 such that the answer has units as the greatest place value. In this case, you can divide by 100,000 to give 4.2 The next step is to display the power of 10 you used alongside this number as a multiplication. We used 100,000 which is the 5th power of 10 or 105. Thus, 420,000 in scientific notation is: 4.2x105
420% = 21/5
It is: 4.0*10^13