It is 0.048
48 287/1000 (Forty eight and two hundred and eighty seven one thousandths)
You can write twenty-four thousandths as 0.024.
48/1000 = 0.048 = (0 x 1) . (0/10) + (4/100) + (8/1000)
48 thousandths = 48/1000 or 0.048
It is 0.048
48 287/1000 (Forty eight and two hundred and eighty seven one thousandths)
How to write sixty thousandths is like this .0060
You would write eight thousandths as .008
You can write twenty-four thousandths as 0.024.
72 thousandths = 0.072
31 thousandths is: 0.031
You write 54 thousandths in decimal form as: 0.054