Seven squared is 49, or 49.0 in decimal form.
decimal- 0.49 percent- 49% fraction- 49/100
49 = 49 or 4,900%
0.49 is in decimal expression.. To convert them to pecentage, we have to multiply the given number by 100. So, (0.49*100)% = 49%
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
1.00 and 49.00
4/9 = 44% or 11⁄25
Seven squared is 49, or 49.0 in decimal form.
decimal- 0.49 percent- 49% fraction- 49/100
49 = 49 or 4,900%
70x0.7=49 so 70% of 70 is 49 70 percent in decimal form is .7 Multiply 70 by .7 to determine 70 percent of 70 = 49.
0.49 is in decimal expression.. To convert them to pecentage, we have to multiply the given number by 100. So, (0.49*100)% = 49%
49/60 in decimal form = 0.816749/60:= 49 ÷ 60= 0.8167 in decimal
980% as a decimal is 9.8 and as a fraction in its simplest form it is 49/5
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
49/50:= 49 ÷ 50= 0.98 in decimal
1 is what percent of 49= 1 / 49= 0.020408Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.020408 * 100 = 2.04%