1/4 inch 1/2 inch
1/2 is a fraction. You can represent fractions by decimals, percentages, verbal, and pictures. So you would write 1/2 as .5 because .5 is half of one. You would write it as a percent as 50% because 50 is half of a hundred. You would write it verbally as one-half. And you would draw a picture of half a pie.
We write .5 or 0.5 as the decimal for one half.
To write the improper fraction for 2 and a half (2 1/2) you would multiply 2 by your denominator (giving you 4) then add it to the numerator (1) to get 5/2, or 5 over 2.
To write the number fifteen and one half in numbers you could write it as: 15 1/2 or as 15.5
4 and a half stars
4 and a half stars
4 and a half stars.
4 and a half stars.
they gave it 4 stars or 3 and a half it said in the trailer ''amazing and 4 stars''.
4,500,000 is 4 and a half milliion.
it is a good film and got 4 and a half
Rated 4 and a half stars
4 and a half
It is between 3 and a half stars and 4 and a half stars. It actually is a good TV as some people may not realize.