In Indian System 8104653 is written as 81 lakhs four thousand six hundred and fifty three.
Eight hundred thousand is the same as eight lakhs!
One million one hundred and fifty thousand. Eleven lakhs and fifty thousand
It is -50000.If you meant one lakh fifty thousand, then it is 150000.
In Indian System 8104653 is written as 81 lakhs four thousand six hundred and fifty three.
It would be "Fourteen Lakhs Fifty Thousand One Hundred Sixty" Rupees. Thanks A
Eight hundred thousand is the same as eight lakhs!
100000 = 1 lakh 1000000 = 10 lakhs 1050000 = 10 lakhs 50 thousand
3,000,684 is what you write according to the question. In Indian classification of numbers it is, 30,00,684(30 lakhs and six hundred and eighty four).
"Lakhs" is a noun that is used to represent a unit of currency in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand.