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Q: How do you write 4 less than a product of two numbers?
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How can yo determine whether the LCM of two numbers is the product of the numbers or less than the product of the numbers?

If their GCF is 1, their LCM is their product. If their GCF is greater than 1, their LCM is less than their product.

The product of two numbers that are less than zero is also less than zero.?

No. The product of two negative numbers is positive.

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No, the product of two positive mixed numbers can never be less than one.

How can you determine whether the LCM of two numbers is the product of the numbers or is less than the product of the numbers explain?

If the two numbers have no common factors other than 1, the LCM will be their product. If there are other common factors, the LCM will be less.

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If the GCF of a given pair of numbers is 1, the LCM will be equal to their product. If the GCF is greater than 1, the LCM will be less than their product. Or, stated another way, if the two numbers have no common prime factors, their LCM will be their product.

Is the product of two numbers that are less than zero also less than zero?

No. Their product is always greater than 0.

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No, the product of two positive mixed numbers can never be less than one.

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The primes less than 10 are 2,3,5 and 7 with a product of 210.

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