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I saw the same question posted on Facebook so I tried searching online, couldn't find it. Thought about it for a moment, then realised... it's the date T.O.D.A.Y


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Q: How do you write 4th march 2011 in 5 letters?
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How do you write 4th march 2011 in 5 Letters without using numbers?

If it was on the same day when the question was asked then the answer is: today

How do you write the 4th of March in 5 letters?


How do you write 4th of March 2011 in 5 letters without using ANY numbers?

Unless that happens to be the date on which you are asking the question you can say 'today' otherwise you cannot

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probably 4th march 2011

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Daytona Bike Week will be held from March 4th to March 13th 2011.

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it comes out march 4th 2011.

When does the movie Rango come out?

March 4th 2011

When is the movie beastly coming out?

March 4th 2011