57 467/1000
6 goes into 57 9 times with a remainder of 3. So we can write the mixed number like this: 9 and 3/6 or: 9 and 1/2
To convert 8.57 to a mixed number, we can break it down into a whole number and a fraction. The whole number is 8 and the fraction is 57/100. Therefore, 8.57 as a mixed number is 8 57/100. To convert 8.57 to a fraction, we can write it as 857/100 since there are 100 hundredths in 8.57.
8.57 = 8 57/100
-5.28 as a mixed number = -57/25
It is: 7 and 57/100
57 467/1000
It is 11 and 2/5 as a mixed number in its simplest form
6 goes into 57 9 times with a remainder of 3. So we can write the mixed number like this: 9 and 3/6 or: 9 and 1/2
4 is a whole number. the .57 is the "fractional part," 57/100. 4 57/100 is the mixed fraction.
57% = 5,700
To convert 8.57 to a mixed number, we can break it down into a whole number and a fraction. The whole number is 8 and the fraction is 57/100. Therefore, 8.57 as a mixed number is 8 57/100. To convert 8.57 to a fraction, we can write it as 857/100 since there are 100 hundredths in 8.57.
5.35 converted into a mixed number = 57/20
8.57 in mixed number form = 8 57/100
How do you write 250% as a mixed number