The Romans didn't use a letter four times. The last number was 4000.
In Roman symbols or numerals 306 is equivalent to CCCVI
The number 2001 in Roman numerals is written as MMI. It requires 3 symbols: two M's for 2000 and one I for 1.
To write 1056 in Roman numerals, you can use the symbols M (1000), L (50), and VI (6). Therefore, 1056 in Roman numerals is written as MLVI.
The largest value Roman numeral that you can write, which conforms to the rules of writing Roman numerals, using just D, C and L symbols is DCCCL (850)
843 is expressed as DCCCXLIII
In Roman symbols or numerals 306 is equivalent to CCCVI
In Roman numerals or symbols 378 is equivalent to CCCLXXVIII
Improved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals 1978 = MCMLXXVIII, therefore ten symbols of six types are needed.
The number 2001 in Roman numerals is written as MMI. It requires 3 symbols: two M's for 2000 and one I for 1.
To write 1056 in Roman numerals, you can use the symbols M (1000), L (50), and VI (6). Therefore, 1056 in Roman numerals is written as MLVI.
XIV- different symbols (#14) III- three of the same symbol (#3) If you just wanted to write a number that wasn't used in the roman era but still use three different symbols you could also write IVX which would be the equivalent of 4 or IV.
The largest value Roman numeral that you can write, which conforms to the rules of writing Roman numerals, using just D, C and L symbols is DCCCL (850)
843 is expressed as DCCCXLIII
The numer 1145 in roman numerals is MCXLVSo the answer is 5 symbols.
To write 1984 in Roman numerals, you would use the symbols MCMLXXXIV. Here's the breakdown: M represents 1000, CM represents 900 (1000-100), L represents 50, XXX represents 30, IV represents 4 (5-1). So, combining these symbols gives us 1984 in Roman numerals as MCMLXXXIV.