five thousand two hundred eighty
5280 in Roman numerals is VCCLXXX but with an horizontal bar above the numeral V to indicate multiplication by a thousand (5000+200+50+30 = 5280)
5280 feet = 1 mile so the conversion unit ratio is 1/5280 miles per foot
5,280 million in scientific notation is: 5.28 x 109
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 5280 feet is equal to 5280/5280 = 1 mile.
five thousand two hundred eighty
It is 5.28*103
5280 in Roman numerals is VCCLXXX but with an horizontal bar above the numeral V to indicate multiplication by a thousand (5000+200+50+30 = 5280)
Oh, dude, it's like you're asking me to do math or something. Okay, so, 5280 in expanded notation is 5 x 1000 + 2 x 100 + 8 x 10 + 0 x 1. There you go, all broken down for you. Math lesson with a side of sarcasm, you're welcome.
5.28 × 103 cubic feet.
5280 feet = 1 mile so the conversion unit ratio is 1/5280 miles per foot
5,280 million in scientific notation is: 5.28 x 109
65% of 5280= 65% * 5280= 0.65 * 5280= 3432
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 5280 feet is equal to 5280/5280 = 1 mile.
a yard = 3 feet a mile = 5280 feet Hopefully this is write, if it is not then I truly appoligize!
5280 + 5280 + (¾ x 5280)...
First of all, you need to know that there are 5280 feet in 1 mile. Now you need to multiply: 29040ft/1 x 1mi/5280ft = 29040mi/5280 Then you simplify that fraction by dividing: 29040mi / 5280 = 5 1/2 miles or 5.5 miles