You can write twenty-four thousandths as 0.024.
9000 thousandths = 9.0
Three thousandths is 0.003.
One thousandths is 0.001
536 thousandths to decimal = 0.536
536 thousandths in decimal notation is 0.536
You write 28 thousandths as: 0.028
How to write sixty thousandths is like this .0060
To write 536 in index form, we need to express it as a power of a base number. In this case, 536 can be expressed as 2^3 x 67^1. This is because 2^3 equals 8 and 67^1 equals 67, so when you multiply 8 by 67, you get 536.
You would write eight thousandths as .008
You can write twenty-four thousandths as 0.024.