1350 is written mil trescientos cincuenta in Spanish
Mil treciento
treinta y uno.
Cincuenta y dos.
Writing the number 435 in Spanish is easy. The number 435 in Spanish is cuatrocientos treinta y cinco.
quinientos cincuenta mil trescientos = five hundred and fifty thousand, three hundred
You can write "I do not speak Spanish" as "No hablo español" in Spanish.
the way to write "i" in spanish is "yo"I= yo
In Spanish, you write '725' - 'setecientos veinticinco'.
How to write "our hearts are broken" in Spanish.
But in Spanish is: pero.
I will assume you mean "What is 'can you write in Spanish?' translated into Spanish". The phrase in Spanish is "¿Puedes escribir en español?".
in Spanish you would write no one like this: nadie
how do i write in spanish lanque "thank you my love"
To write 598 in Spanish, you would write quinientos noventa y ocho.
The way you write fourth in spanish would be: Cuarto Benjamin2010
"This" in spanish is spelled "Este".