56 million, 703 thousand, 94.
its 56
56 is an integer and so it cannot sensibly be represented as a fraction or mixed number.
56 hundreds in standard form is 5,600. This is because each hundred is equal to 100, so 56 hundreds would be 56 x 100, which equals 5,600. In standard form, we write this number as 5,600.
56/25 is in its simplest form.
56 million, 703 thousand, 94.
its 56
0.07+56+10000 is 10056.07 and in standard form, 1.005607x104
56 is an integer and so it cannot sensibly be represented as a fraction or mixed number.
56 is in decimal form. You could write it as 56.0
56 hundreds in standard form is 5,600. This is because each hundred is equal to 100, so 56 hundreds would be 56 x 100, which equals 5,600. In standard form, we write this number as 5,600.
You can say "point 56" or "fifty-six one hundredths" if you want to say .56 in word form.
56/25 is in its simplest form.
56/79=56=2x2x2x779=79No common prime factors56/79 is in simplest form
56 thousand, and 200 respectively.