I don't know if you mean 505 or 50500 but 505 is written as five hundred and five - 50500 is written as fifty thousand five hundred
At the current exchange rate of 1 euro = £0.872349 245 million euros = £213 725 505
There 505 thousandths in 4.505 To check ; There are three digits in the decimal moiety. So write it over '100' *thrre zeroes). 505/1000
I don't know if you mean 505 or 50500 but 505 is written as five hundred and five - 50500 is written as fifty thousand five hundred
325 = CCCXXV 505 = DV
Quinientos cinco
$1,011,505 would be easiest way 1m,11k,505 takes up same amount of space
5.05 × 102
Five hundred and five
308,000 is 505 away from 307,495307,000 is 495 away from 307,495So, 307,495 rounded to the nearest thousand is 307,000
Ah, writing numbers in word form is like painting a happy little tree. To write the number 505 in word form, you simply write "five hundred five." It's just like adding a touch of color to your canvas, bringing a little joy and creativity to your writing.
Brasil, with 505 million metric tons