It is: 12.34 = 617/50 in its simplest form
To convert 6.13333333 to a fraction, we can first write it as a mixed number: 6 + 0.13333333. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we note that 0.13333333 is a repeating decimal. We can represent it as 13/99. Therefore, 6.13333333 is equal to 6 13/99 as a mixed number or 617/99 as an improper fraction.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
how do you write 4.25 as a fraction
0.538 You can write this in fraction as :- = 538 / 1000 (answer)
It is: 12.34 = 617/50 in its simplest form
six hundred and seventeen
123.4 = 615/5 + 2/5 = 617/5
Yes. 89/13 = 617/20
To convert 6.13333333 to a fraction, we can first write it as a mixed number: 6 + 0.13333333. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we note that 0.13333333 is a repeating decimal. We can represent it as 13/99. Therefore, 6.13333333 is equal to 6 13/99 as a mixed number or 617/99 as an improper fraction.
617 in decimal notation = 6 x 100 + 1 x 10 + 7 x 1
The answer will depend on what the fraction is.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
how do you write 4.25 as a fraction
To write the number foruteen as a fraction you write: 14/1.
0.538 You can write this in fraction as :- = 538 / 1000 (answer)
blank = representation.