Expressed as a decimal, 65/100 is equal to 0.65.
65% = 0.65 and 13⁄20
65% for any decimal to percent move the decimal place two spots to the right
0.65 ■
65% = 0.65 = 65/100 = 13/20
3 cents in decimal
Expressed as a decimal, 65/100 is equal to 0.65.
65% = 0.65 and 13⁄20
42/65 written as a decimal is 0.64615384615385 4265 written as a decimal is 4265.0
That would be .65, as in "The micrometer reads 0.65 on the dial."
It is 28.065
.65 * * * * * Actually, it is 0.065