A US Billion* has 9 digits following the leading digits (64 being the leading digits in this case.)
So 64.1 billion dollars = $64,100,000,000
Notice that if you count the number of digits after 64 there are 9
Note*: A billion in some other countries is actually a million million (or having 12 digits after the leading digits.) For finance this magnitude of number does not make sense (it's much too large,) and instead the US Billion is used.
0.30125802038 billion dollars
You can write 3.3 billion dollars as the following: $ 3,300,000,000 . 00
In word forms, you can write it as 20 billion dollars, twenty billion dollars, $20 billion. Or you can write it as $20,000,000,000. There are at least 4 ways to write it, and probably more.
1,125,000,000 dollars.
One hundred twenty-five billion dollars OR $125 billion OR $125,000,000,000.00
0.30125802038 billion dollars
You can write 3.3 billion dollars as the following: $ 3,300,000,000 . 00
In word forms, you can write it as 20 billion dollars, twenty billion dollars, $20 billion. Or you can write it as $20,000,000,000. There are at least 4 ways to write it, and probably more.
$15.2 billion$15,200,000,000.00Fifteen billion two hundred million dollars
It is: $26,000,000,000 dollars
It is: 4,216,000,000,000 dollars
1,125,000,000 dollars.
One hundred twenty-five billion dollars OR $125 billion OR $125,000,000,000.00
$2.1 billion$2,100,000,000.00
$13 billion$13,000,000,000.00
$393.6 billion$393,600,000,000.00
$3.5 billion$3,500,000,000.00