You could write is as 65 centimetres.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. Adding zeros after the decimal point is wrong because they imply a degree of accuracy (significant figures) for which there is no justification.
Furthermore, the decimal system has nothing to do with the SI system of measurement.
To write out fifty hundredths in decimals, you would write it as 0.50
Decimals are numbers.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
38cm + 65cm + 47cm = 150cm
it depends on wether your talking with or with out decimals, if using decimals its 49,000.49 if your not talking with decimals than you would write 49,049
75.00 is how you write it in decimals
To write out fifty hundredths in decimals, you would write it as 0.50
65cm is equivalent to 0.65 meters.
Decimals are numbers.
What is the answer write two decimals that have a difference of 16.825
write two decimals that are equivalent to the given decimal 2.200
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
To find the fraction of one meter that 65cm represents, we need to convert 65cm to meters. Since 1 meter is equal to 100cm, 65cm is equal to 0.65 meters. Therefore, the fraction of one meter that 65cm represents is 0.65/1, which simplifies to 13/20. So, 65cm is 13/20 of one meter.
38cm + 65cm + 47cm = 150cm
you can put it in decimals or fractions or in a percentage