Six hundred eighty thousand, ten.
Six hundred eighty thousand, ten.
Six hundred eighty thousand ten
six hundred eighty thousand, ten
Six hundred eighty thousand 10. Some may insist on six hundred eighty thousand and ten; many hold that the word 'and' is redundant. both ways are correct.
Six hundred eighty thousand, ten.
Six hundred eighty thousand, ten.
680,010 is six hundred and eighty thousand and ten.
Six hundred eighty thousand ten
six hundred eighty thousand, ten
Six hundred eighty thousand 10. Some may insist on six hundred eighty thousand and ten; many hold that the word 'and' is redundant. both ways are correct.
Six hundred eighty thousand, ten.
680010% of 68000= 10% * 68000= 0.10 * 68000= 6800
Six hundred eighty thousand ten
Six hundred and eighty thousand and ten.
Write the "$" Then write the "1" Then write another "1" Then write a "6" Then write a "0" You have written $1160.
Read read read read. And then write write write write.