240 = 2.4 x 102
The number 5240000 in scientific notation is 5.24 X 10^6. The number name is 5 million 240 thousand.
Expressed in words, 240 is equal to two hundred and forty.
The Roman numeral representation for 240 is CCXL.
240 = 2.4 x 102
Writing a number in standard form simply means to express the number in its 'normal' form. Therefore, the way you wrote the number is the standard form for your example.
6 and 240 thousandths (6.240) in expanded form is: (6 x 1) + (2/10) + (4/100) + (0/1000)
240 thousandths is like saying 240/1000 = 24/100 = 0.24
You cannot because 240 is an integer. It is neither a fraction nor a mixed number.
To write 240 million in standard form, you would express it as 2.4 x 10^8. This is because the number 240 million can be broken down into 2.4 multiplied by 100 million (10^8). Standard form is a way of writing large numbers using powers of 10 to represent the value.
240/100 = 12/5 or 2 and 2/5
The answer is 240 dollars.
In words: two hundred and forty point one four nineIn scientific notation: 2.40149 x 102In expanded form: 200 + 40 + 0.1 + 0.04 + 0.009
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 = 240
240%2.4= 2.4 * 100%= 240%