240 = 2.4 x 102
The number 5240000 in scientific notation is 5.24 X 10^6. The number name is 5 million 240 thousand.
Expressed in words, 240 is equal to two hundred and forty.
The Roman numeral representation for 240 is CCXL.
240 = 2.4 x 102
6 and 240 thousandths (6.240) in expanded form is: (6 x 1) + (2/10) + (4/100) + (0/1000)
Writing a number in standard form simply means to express the number in its 'normal' form. Therefore, the way you wrote the number is the standard form for your example.
240 thousandths is like saying 240/1000 = 24/100 = 0.24
You cannot because 240 is an integer. It is neither a fraction nor a mixed number.
To write 240 million in standard form, you would express it as 2.4 x 10^8. This is because the number 240 million can be broken down into 2.4 multiplied by 100 million (10^8). Standard form is a way of writing large numbers using powers of 10 to represent the value.
240/100 = 12/5 or 2 and 2/5
The answer is 240 dollars.
In words: two hundred and forty point one four nineIn scientific notation: 2.40149 x 102In expanded form: 200 + 40 + 0.1 + 0.04 + 0.009
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 = 240
240%2.4= 2.4 * 100%= 240%