795 = seven hundred ninety-five.
0.795 = 795/1000 or 159/200 in fraction
0.795 = 795/1000 or 159/200 in fraction
0.795 = -.795/1.000 Cancel down the decimal point 795/1000 Cancel down by '5' 159/200 Done!!!!
795 = seven hundred ninety-five.
0.795 = 795/1000 or 159/200 in fraction
0.795 = 795/1000 or 159/200 in fraction
0.795 = -.795/1.000 Cancel down the decimal point 795/1000 Cancel down by '5' 159/200 Done!!!!
12% of 795= 12% * 795= 0.12 * 795= 95.4
36% of 795= 36% * 795= 0.36 * 795= 286.2
The answer will depend on what the fraction is.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
10%/100% * 795 = 0.1 * 795 = 79.5
how do you write 4.25 as a fraction