A decimal is a representation of a number and is independent of the units used. Unless, you are asked to write a nanosecond as a decimal fraction of a second or an hour or whatever.
If you mean 7/15 then as a decimal it is 0.4'6' recurring '6'
0.07 is a decimal; fraction is 7/100.
7/10 = 0.7
As the 7 is just before the decimal point it is in the units column so its value is 7 × 1 = 7.
When you write the decimal number '7' in Base-2 (binary), you write '0111'.
It is: 2+7/10+4/100 = 2.74 as a decimal number
7 tenths as a decimal is 0.7
A decimal is a representation of a number and is independent of the units used. Unless, you are asked to write a nanosecond as a decimal fraction of a second or an hour or whatever.
7/100 = 0.07 as a decimal
7/2 as a decimal is 3.5
"21 and a quarter" written as a decimal is 21.25 , regardless of its units.
If you mean 7/15 then as a decimal it is 0.4'6' recurring '6'
As a decimal it is 7. It is not really a fraction but, if you must write it as one, it can be represented by 7/1.