One thousand, two hundred is how 1.2 thousand is written in words.
It is written as $450,000
Forty-two thousand can be written as 42,000.
One thousand twenty-one would be written as 1021. Two-hundred thousand would be written as 200,000. Now If the question was meant to say "How do you write one thousand twenty-one and two hundred thousandths It would be written as: 1021.0002
Thirty thousand is written as 30,000 or 30 000
847 310
Five thousand is written as 5,000. Seventy thousand is written as 70,000.
It is written three hundred thousand.
The number 847 is written or spoken "eight hundred forty-seven."
One thousand, two hundred is how 1.2 thousand is written in words.
It is written as $450,000
Forty-two thousand can be written as 42,000.
One million is written as 1,000,000 and fourteen thousand is written as 14,000. So, when you combine them, you write one million and fourteen thousand in digits as 1,014,000.
One thousand twenty-one would be written as 1021. Two-hundred thousand would be written as 200,000. Now If the question was meant to say "How do you write one thousand twenty-one and two hundred thousandths It would be written as: 1021.0002
seventeen thousand --- In numbers that would be written as 17000 ... or 17,000
Nineteen million ten thousand is written as 19,010,000.