90 thousand = 90,000
2 x 32 x 5 = 90
$2,090,000 is two million ninety thousand dollars. Or, if you want to get a little too exact: $2,090,000.00 will do it.
To write an exponent on a laptop you would use the "^" key. For example, "3^2" would be "three squared."
9 cubes in exponent form = 93
90 thousand = 90,000
As an exponent, 90 would be written 90 .
In number, '90,000' In Words ' Ninety thousand'.
90,000,000 90 = ninety 90,000 = ninety thousand 90,000,000 = ninety million
2 x 32 x 5 = 90
$2,090,000 is two million ninety thousand dollars. Or, if you want to get a little too exact: $2,090,000.00 will do it.
It is: 21*32*51 = 90
To write an exponent on a laptop you would use the "^" key. For example, "3^2" would be "three squared."
9 cubes in exponent form = 93
The answer is 107. A thousand is 103, a million is 106, a billion is 109, a trillion is 1012, and a quadrillion is 1015. You will notice the exponent is evenly disvisible by 3 in each case. Ten million, ten billion, ten trillion, and so on adds 1 to each exponent, and one hundred million, one hundred billion, etc. adds 2 to each exponent. Adding three to the exponent moves it to the next number. In other words, a thousand quadrillion is a quintillion.