Three billion four hundred fifty-two million nine hundred sixty thousand three hundred eighty-seven.
The standard form of that number is expressed as 648,112,033,000
Seven hundred fifty thousand
Billion is 1000000000 0.533 billions is 533000000 That is 533000,000 0.533 billion is five hundred thirty three thousand thousands
Divide it into sections of three digits. Farthermost three hundred and sixty should appear as 360. The thousandth section appears as 705. There are no millions mentioned, hence 000. And at last the billions section is (0)24. Arranging them all in their positions, the number is 24,000,705,360.
Three billion four hundred fifty-two million nine hundred sixty thousand three hundred eighty-seven.
The standard form of that number is expressed as 648,112,033,000
ANSWER: Twenty-three million, fourty-one thousand, twenty-three Don't let the zeros throw you off. Treat them with the same respect you would if they were 6's or 8's. Remember the places: Ones, tens, hundreds, Thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, Millions, ten millions, hundred millions Billions, ten billions, hundred billions. Look for the pattern above. Good luck -
in the SHORT SCALE of numbering used in USA and now in most of UK it will be: 7,302,005,007 in the LONG SCALE used in most of Europe and worldwide it will be: 7,000,302,005,007 this is because in the long scale you have the THOUSAND MILLIONS before the BILLIONS, that's why there are three additional zeros between millions and billions.
Seven hundred fifty thousand
Billion is 1000000000 0.533 billions is 533000000 That is 533000,000 0.533 billion is five hundred thirty three thousand thousands
There is no numerical value "303 hundreds." Three hundred and three thousand (303,000) would be 0.303 million.
Divide it into sections of three digits. Farthermost three hundred and sixty should appear as 360. The thousandth section appears as 705. There are no millions mentioned, hence 000. And at last the billions section is (0)24. Arranging them all in their positions, the number is 24,000,705,360.
483,928 in word form is "four hundred eighty-three thousand nine hundred twenty-eight." This number is written in standard American English numerical naming conventions, where each group of three digits is named as hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, and so on.
Four hundred and sixty three million, three hundred and forty two thousand, seven hundred and five... Why are you writing me a check? ;)
24.357 is twenty-four and three hundred fifty-seven thousandths.
I think it takes 3,000,500,000. (three thousand, million, five hundred, thousand)