One and two million, five hundred seventy-eight thousand, seven hundred twenty-one hundred-millionths.
Seventy-eight and three thousandths in decimal form is 78.003
78/100 as a decimal is 0.78
It is 0.008918
6.000178 in word form is: six and one hundred seventy-eight millionths.
Eight millionths = 0.000008
One thousand, eight hundred seventy-five millionths.
Well, honey, to write eight millionths in decimal numbers, you put a "0." in front of the "8". So, it looks like 0.000008. That's all there is to it, darling.
One and two million, five hundred seventy-eight thousand, seven hundred twenty-one hundred-millionths.
It is 70.78
To write one hundred seventy five millionths as a decimal, you must place the decimal point six places to the left of the last digit. This is because millionths represent the millionth part of a whole. Therefore, one hundred seventy five millionths is written as 0.000175 in decimal form.
Seventy-eight and three thousandths in decimal form is 78.003
Eight millionths is 0.000008
78/100 as a decimal is 0.78