You can write "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" as 2,020.007.
two thousand thirty-six ten-thousandths is 2036.010
two thousand seventy four ten thousandths=0.2074
To write "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" in standard form, we first write the whole number part which is 2020. Then, we add the decimal point and the fractional part which is 0.007. Therefore, in standard form, "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" is written as 2020.007.
1000.042 as in (one thousand) and (forty-two thousandths) or 1.042 as in (one thousand and forty-two) thousandths. Wasn't quite sure which one you meant.
Six thousand seventy ten thousandths
Two Thousand and Eight, or two thousand eight.
Two thousand six
The decimal two million eight thousand nineteen and eighteen thousandths is written as 2,008,019.018
22000/10000 = 21/5
Five thousand, two hundred fourteen ten-thousandths.
two thousand four ten-thousandths
Two and four thousand seven ten thousandths