If 42five represents the number "42" in base 5, then the answer is 22.
Number's-word form,Expanded form, Standard form, Base Ten Block form.
The base of the Chinese number system is ten.
base 5
The answer depends on what base was used for 67.
Well, isn't that just a happy little math problem? If we have 87 tens, that's the same as 870. Adding the 2 ones gives us a total of 872. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, sometimes all it takes is a few simple brushstrokes to create something wonderful.
If 42five represents the number "42" in base 5, then the answer is 22.
It is 2000 + 30 + 2 and in base ten, that is 2032.
In base ten, ten is not a prime number. It is divisible by both 2 and 5. In base 2, however, 10 is equal to two in base ten and two is a prime number.
Number's-word form,Expanded form, Standard form, Base Ten Block form.
The base of the Chinese number system is ten.
base 5
The answer depends on what base was used for 67.
The number system commonly used by humans is base-ten.
That is the system we usually use to write number, in which each place-value is worth ten times more than the place-value to its right.