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void draw_box (const unsigned size)


if (!size) return; // size must be non-zero!

const char star {'*'}; // asterisk

const char nl {'\n'}; // newline

if (size==1)


// a box of size 1 is just a single asterisk

std::cout << star << nl;



// else if (1 < size) ...

// the top and bottom lines are the same

const std::string line (size, star);

// hollow line (spaces)

const std::string hollow (size-2, ' ');

// draw the top line

std::cout << line << nl;

// draw the middle lines (if size>2)

for (unsigned i=2; i<size; ++i)

std::cout << star << hollow << star << nl;

// draw the bottom line

std::cout << line << nl;


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Q: How do you write a c plus plus program to print a hollow square of a given size using asterisks and blanks?
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