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1.067 = 1067/1000 = 167/1000

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Q: How do you write a decimal as a fraction like 1.067?
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How do you change decimal to the fraction?

A trick for changing a decimal to a fraction is to say it aloud and write it out as how it says like for example .4 = 4/10 and you can simplify it. That would be a way you can change a decimal to a fraction.

What is 70 as a decimal and as a fraction?

There are many ways to convert 70 into a decimal and a fraction. You can also do it by approximating. If you take 70, for instance, just like you said, 75 is extremely close to this number. You can write 75 like this in a decimal: 0.75, and in a fraction: 3/4 I don't know how to write 70 in a fraction, but conversion websites, calculators, and maths books do. But to write it in a decimal, I think it is: 0.70, or 0.7. I hope I helped you.

What is another way to write 1 12?

You can write it as an equivalent fraction, like 2/24 or you can write it as a decimal, which is 0.0833 or you can write it as a percentage, which is 8.33%.

How do you write a decimal as a fraction in simplest form like -1.55?

-1.55 = -155/100 = -31/20 = -111/20

How do you write a fraction in tenths as a decimal?

You put the digit right after the decimal. For example, if you want to say 91 and 7tenths, you would show it like this:91.7 The tenths would go right after the decimal.

How do you turn recurring decimals into fractions?

-- Take one whole set of the digits that repeat in the decimal. Write them as the numerator of the fraction. -- For the denominator of the fraction, write a group of 9s ... the same number of them as there are digits in the numerator. -- Simplify the fraction, if possible and if you feel like it.

What does fraction not look like?

a Decimal.

What is the fraction equivelant for 0.52?

To convert a decimal into a fraction, write the decimal number over one like this: .52/1. Next, remove the decimal point and add as many zeroes to the bottom number as there were numbers after the decimal: .52/1 would now be 52/100. The last step is to simplify the fraction: 53/100 = 26/50 = 13/25. The fraction equivalent of .52 is 13/25.

What does seven and seven hundred three thousandths look like in fraction and decimal?

Decimal: 7.703 Fraction: 7703/1000

How do you write nine tenths in a decimal?

To write nine tenths as a decimal, it looks like this: .9

How do you find a decimal out of a fraction?

first you divide the numerator from the denominator. like if your fraction was five tenths then you would divide like this 5/10 and the calculator will give you the decimal.

How do you write twelve hundredths in decimal?

You write it like this: 0.12