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if p represents your positive number, and n represents all of your negative numbers, then:

|∑n| < p

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Q: How do you write a equation when the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers will be positive?
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Why is the product positive when there is an even number of negative factors?

Due to the sign rules for multiplication, if you multiply several negative numbers, you'll get a result that is alternately negative, positive, negative, positive, etc.

Is the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers positive?

Possibly, but not definitely. There is no rule that determines the sign of a sum when many numbers are involved.

Can 0 ever be the solution of an equation?

Yes, of course. In this sense, it is a number just like any number. In general, an equation can have zero, one, or several solutions; the solutions can be positive, negative, zero, fractional, irrational, or complex, depending on the equation. Here is an equation that has zero as its solution: x = 0 (this is only an equality if your replace "x" with 0). Here are less trivial examples: x + 1 = 1 (the only solution is x = 0) x2 - x = 0 (two solutions: 0, and 1)

Any counting number grater then 1 witch is not prime is what kind number?

All positive whole numbers over 1 can be classified either as prime or composite numbers. Those which are not prime are composite numbers, that is, numbers which are composed of several different factors.

How do you work ou y 5- x squared?

Before you can start looking for an answer, you have to understand what the question is, and you're not there yet. The answer to any equation is a pair of numbers for 'x' and 'y' that make the equation a true statement, and there are an infinite number of them. So there are several things you can be asked to do with an equation, but nobody will ever ask you to "work it out".

Related questions

How would you write out a conditions when the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers will be positive?

if p represents your positive number, and n represents all of your negative numbers, then: |&sum;n| &lt; p

Why is the product positive when there is an even number of negative factors?

Due to the sign rules for multiplication, if you multiply several negative numbers, you'll get a result that is alternately negative, positive, negative, positive, etc.

List the conditions when the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers will be positive?

This is not my answer but one posted by a classmate of mine. The positive number must be greater than the absolute value of the sum of the negative numbers

Is the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers positive?

Possibly, but not definitely. There is no rule that determines the sign of a sum when many numbers are involved.

Can you give an example when the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers will be positive?

100+(-6)+(-23)+(-7) = 64

What is sensible value?

A number which is reasonable.For example, an equation can have several solutions. If one solution is positive and another negative, and the quantity is a physical attribute - such as length - then the negative solution can be rejected for not being sensible.

Is Na negative?

Written like that it's neither negative nor positive; it's neutral.Sodium is much (as in several orders of magnitude) more likely to form a cation (positive) than an anion (negative), though.

What is a chemical bond and how is it created?

There are several types of chemical bonds. An ionic bond, for example is when two elements have opposite charges are attracted to each other. A positive and a negative charge or a negative and a positive charge can be attracted to each other. If a positive and a positive are attracted to each other or a negative and a negative are attracted, that's considered an immoral bond.

How does religion impact society in a positive or negative way?

There are several positive and negative aspects. For example:* Positive: religions often serve as a moral guide, and as inspiration for moral and ethics. * Negative: religious fanaticism has led people to commit all sorts of crimes in the name of religion.

What describes atoms that have a positive and negative end?

Atoms do not have positive and negative ends.Molecules, which are made up of several atoms, can be positive at one end and negative at the other; these are called "polar" molecules. The most common polar molecule is water, made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom; H2O.

About 85 percent of the population contains one of several blood proteins termed Rh factors?

If I'm undertanding the question, and I can't be sure... 85% of the population, in general, is Rh positive...meaning D positive. 15% are Rh negative, D neg. The rhesus system has several different red cell antigens, D is the determinant for Rh positive or negative.

Which terminal does the current flow in a circuit?

Strangely there is two directions it is said to flow. The first and wrong is conventional current that is positive to negative. WRONG. Several hundred years ago people guest Electron current is the direction it actually goes in. This is negative to positive.