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Brackets (aka parentheses),

eg 30 - 4 x 5 would normally be 30 - 20 ie 10, but (30 - 4) x 5 would be 26 x 5 ie 130

Use parentheses to if you would like to change the normal order of calculating answers.

Here is the order of mathematical operations:

  1. Parenthesesat
  2. Exponents
  3. Multiplication and Division
  4. Addition and Subtraction

Here two examples of how you would change the order of operations for an equation to achieve different results with the same numbers and operators:


1 + 6 * 2 = 1 + 12 = 13

(1 + 6) * 2 = 7 * 2 = 14


3 * 2 + 4 / 2 = 6 + 2 = 8

(3 * (2 + 4)) / 2 = (3 * 6) / 2 = 18 / 2 = 9

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Q: How do you write a formula that indicates which calculations should be done first?
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What is the mathematical rules for performing multiple calculations within a formula?

BiDMAS - It stands for:BracketsIndiciesDivideMultiplyAddSubtractThe rule states that you must perform the calculations within a formula in the sequence stated. i.e. anythign in Brackets has to be calculated first, then any indicies (or powers) have to be calculated, then any divisions, multiplications, additions and that order.

How many combinations would it take to play every possible outcome to the ncaa bracket?

According to my calculations, with the first four included. It should be 33,396 combinations

Was the formula e equals mc2 a math formula or a science formula?

scientist one don't know how should i know! scientist two should i answer it! scientist three: uuummm? Answer2: A science formula. Einstein's idea of the conversion of mass to energy came first. The math followed the science.

What is formula for cos3x?

looks like the exponents did not show up, in the first it should be 4 cosine cubed x - 3cosx and the sin 3x should be 3sinx - 4sine cubed x

How do you add and divide numbers in the same cell in Excel?

Formulas can include a mix of calculations, so you can put several in, and have very long calculations. The only thing you need to know is how calculations are done when you have a mixture of operations in a cell. In this case, all divisions will be done before any additions, no matter where they appear in the calculation. That is a law of mathematics, an spreadsheets will follow that. For example, if you take this formula: =5+6/2 In this case, the 6 will be divided by the 2, before the 5 is added to it. If you want the 5 added to the 6 first, then you have to put brackets around that part of it like this: =(5+6)/2 The laws of mathematics dictate that anything inside brackets is done first, which is why that happens.

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How should most calculations be calculated?

Count the first 4 digits in the answer :)

What is the mathematical rules for performing multiple calculations within a formula?

BiDMAS - It stands for:BracketsIndiciesDivideMultiplyAddSubtractThe rule states that you must perform the calculations within a formula in the sequence stated. i.e. anythign in Brackets has to be calculated first, then any indicies (or powers) have to be calculated, then any divisions, multiplications, additions and that order.

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You can find the deflection in a flight of stairs using hand calculations by first measuring all angles and lengths. These can then be entered into a formula which calculates deflection based on these variables.

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first we should understand the question,then we should know the formula.

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No, the first letter of a sentence should not be capitalized if an apostrophe precedes it. The apostrophe indicates a contraction or possession and does not affect the capitalization rules for sentences.

How many combinations would it take to play every possible outcome to the ncaa bracket?

According to my calculations, with the first four included. It should be 33,396 combinations

When and by whom were the first calculations of pie made?

Alex peter

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Was the formula e equals mc2 a math formula or a science formula?

scientist one don't know how should i know! scientist two should i answer it! scientist three: uuummm? Answer2: A science formula. Einstein's idea of the conversion of mass to energy came first. The math followed the science.

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