To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply whole number part by the denominator of the fraction part, then add the numerator to the product. The result is the numerator of the improper fraction. The denominator remains the same.
For example, to convert 2 3/8 to an improper fraction, multiply 2*8 = 16, then add 3 to get 19. The improper fraction is 19/8.
The mixed number 6 and 5/6 is equivalent to 41/6 as an improper fraction.
626 is an integer: it is neither a mixed number nor a fraction.
263 is an integer, not a fraction nor a mixed number.
310 is an integer: it is neither a fraction not a mixed number.
264 is an integer; it is neither a fraction not a mixed number.
The mixed number ab/c is equivalent to the improper fraction (a*c+b)/c
The mixed number 6 and 5/6 is equivalent to 41/6 as an improper fraction.
1.3 written as a fraction is 13/10 or 1 3/10
To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.
Fraction: -11/10 Mixed number: = -11/10
283 is an integer, not a mixed number or fraction.
626 is an integer: it is neither a mixed number nor a fraction.
There is no equivalent mixed number.
263 is an integer, not a fraction nor a mixed number.
310 is an integer: it is neither a fraction not a mixed number.
264 is an integer; it is neither a fraction not a mixed number.
425 is an integer, not a fraction nor a mixed number.