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Q: How do you write a program swaping of 2 integer?
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Integers only just need to be put with no negative signs. You do not need a special symbol, just eliminate negative signs in front of the number is there are any. Example: integer of 6 = 6 integer of -2 = 2 integer of -1025614 = 1025614 integer of 93 = 93

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Output a prompt.Either:Read from standard input (std::cin) to an integer.Or:Read a line from standard input (std::getline()) to a string.Create a string stream (std::stringstream) to read the string.Read from the string stream to an integer.For each integer from 2 to half the entered integer:If the entered integer is divisible by the current integer:The number is not prime.Exit the program.The number is prime.Exit the program.