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a full plates has 6 momos on it.write an improper fraction that describes 4 full plates of momos ans a plate with fewer then 6 momos on it

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Q: How do you write a word problem to illustrate the partition measure category of division?
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Why do we use range in maths?

It is a very simple measure to illustrate the spread of values that a variable can have.

Is measure of the real numbers is zero?

Not sure what you're asking, but being the question is in Complex Numbers category, it could be this:If the real part of a complex number is zero, then it is a pure imaginary number.

Are there different types of a bar graph?

Yes, there are many.The most common are the vertical bars, with each bar representing a different category and the height of each bar representing some measure for that category. A simple alternative is to turn the chart on its side so that the bars are horizontal.One variation of the basic bar chart is the clustered bars, where each bar is replaced by a cluster of bars. Each cluster representing a category (as before) and each bar within the cluster representing a sub-category. Instead of being side-by-side the clustered bars can be arranged one of top of another so that you have a stacked bar graph. The vertical axis can then be modified to show percentages rather than the actual levels.A variant of the horizontal bar graph is the back-to-back horizontal bar graph. This is used when each horizontal category is divided into two subcategories which you may wish to compare. Such charts are typically used for population pyramids - to illustrate the population of a country by age (in groups and gender. From bottom to top would be age groups 0-4, 5-9, 10-14 and so on. Horizontal bars for males on one side and females on the other.These are just some of the variations. There are very many more.

What is the difference between a nanometre and micrometer. Draw a scale to illustrate the difference?

Strictly? A nanometer is 10^-9 metres, a micrometer is a precision instrument, mosty used to measure machine parts. If you mean nanomater/ micrometre: nm = 10^-9 m, um = 10^-6 m.

What is measurement in math?

Measurement is different objects you can measure for example you could measure a road. What would you use? millimetres, centimetres, metres or kilometres? I would choose kilometres because if you used millimetres it would take a long time to measure. Measurement is just mostly about measuring but you have to use all the skills you have like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Things that go into measurement that I know are: Area Perimeter Volume and Angles

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The difference between radian measure and degree measure?

Degree measure is based off of a division of 360 degrees in a circle. Radian measure is based off of a division of 2PI in a full circle.

Why do we use range in maths?

It is a very simple measure to illustrate the spread of values that a variable can have.

What would change from a larger unit of measure to a smaller unit of measure?


What is a census division?

the people who measure the population of the u.s.

How do scientist's measure hurricanes?

The Saffir-Simpson scale, that uses wind speed to determine the type (category 1, Category 2, etc.) Category 1 has the lowest winds and Category 5 hast the highest winds.

Do architects use math operations of multiplication and and division in their work?

Yes they use multiplication and division to measure geometry

What is brand parity?

The measure of how similar different brands in the same category are perceived to be

How do you figure out the density of a object?

-- Measure its mass. -- Measure its volume. -- Divide the mass by the volume. The result of the division is the object's density.

What does theSaffir Simpson scale measure?

The Saffir-Simpson scale rates hurricanes from category 1 to category 5 bases on maximum sustained wind speed.

What does theSaffir-Simpson scale measure?

The Saffir-Simpson scale measures the intensity of hurricanes based on wind speed and potential damage. It categorizes hurricanes on a scale from 1 to 5, with Category 5 being the most severe.

What did hurricane Irene measure on saffir- Simpson scale?

Hurricane Irene was a category 3 hurricane. It had weakened to a category 1 by the time it hit the U.S. though.

How do you determine the partition coefficient of benzoic acid between benzene and water?

To determine the partition coefficient of benzoic acid between benzene and water, you would first measure the concentrations of benzoic acid in each solvent layer after equilibrium is reached. Then, calculate the partition coefficient by dividing the concentration of benzoic acid in benzene by the concentration in water at equilibrium. This ratio represents how the compound distributes between the two solvents.