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Q: How do you write about easy day?
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Easy! Just state the day, date and weather! Then, just write in your entry. Is it easy? I think it is easy peasy lemon squeezy!

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day one, create outline. day 2-4, write 200 words per day. day 5, check over and hand in. it's that easy.

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its easy to write about yourself because the person that knows the most about you is you.

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If you are asking how to write time in the 24 hour standard or military time it is very easy. If you want to write the time as eight in the morning it would be 0800 or if you want to write one in the afternoon it would be 1300.

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big write on every day is earth day

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Dialogue is just as easy as everything else you write. It's just people talking.

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It's really easy, you don't even have to learn. Fold a piece of paper in half, then get your child to draw and color, and write a heartfelt message inside.

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that is so easy . he wants to write

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You write 1.26 million dollars as "$1,260,000." Just slap a dollar sign in front of that number and call it a day. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.