Literacy rate.
13,240,000,000 with the prefix for dollars which will depend on the country. 13,240,000,000 with the prefix for dollars which will depend on the country. 13,240,000,000 with the prefix for dollars which will depend on the country. 13,240,000,000 with the prefix for dollars which will depend on the country.
The country that has the highest rate of people that cannot read/write is:Burkina Faso, with only a 21.8% literacy rate, or 79.2% illiteracy rate. 2003 est.
It is XXD 39200000, where XXD is the international currency code for dollars from whichever country you are interested in.
Unfortunately, there are two quite different meanings for billion. You write a 1, then you add either 9 or 12 zeroes, depending on the country. English-speaking countries normally use a 1 with 9 zeroes.
There is no such word as "wesh" and if there were, it would still depend on which country's name you want to write.
Always write an address the same way you would write it if you were in the destination country. Remember that the mailman that will deliver it is in that country and he may not know English, Spanish, etc. He will definitely know his country's language. So you have to write that Romanian address in Românește. Regards, Adrian
ching chong
In German
"un pays"
You write the address and then you eat it. You write the address and then you eat it.
The country that people had used hieroglyphics was Egypt.
In French, "my country" is written as "mon pays."
The country that people had used hieroglyphics was Egypt.
how to write a letter to an editor of a newspaper expressing concern over lawlesness in the country
You cannot write off country club membership dues in Canada. You can only write off things that that are related to your business or for a non-profit company.