

Best Answer

add 3 to a number

a number plus 3

the sum of a number and 3

3 more than a number

a number increased by 3

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Q: How do you write an algebraic expression to represent a verbal expression?
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How do you write a verbal expression for each algebraic expression?

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As a algebraic expression it is simply n/8

How do you write 2x in verbal expression?

That is in verbal expression. x is the verbal, if you're trying to make it x times 2 in verbal expression it is as you wrote it 2x.

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Cost = 1.45*Gallon

How do you write an algebraic expression to represent the cost of m gallons of gasoline if each gallon costs 1.45?

1.45 x M

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You cannot write an algebraic expression for that, you need an equation. The equation is n - 6 = 4

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Is it possible to write an algebraic expression with two variables and no operations?

Yes, an algebraic expression needs no operation and can have multiple variables.

What is the algebraic expression for z times 19?

The normal way to write z times 19 in an algebraic expression is 19z.